Cleaning data in Power BI: Transform (Edit) Data: Remove and Keep Columns Lesson-5-P2

Cleaning data in Power BI: Transform (Edit) Data: Remove and Keep Columns Lesson-5-P2

Remove Columns and Choose Columns from Table in Power BI 

In Power BI, you can delete a column from a table using the following steps.

  • Open Power BI Desktop: Launch the Power BI Desktop application.
  • Load or Connect Data: Load or connect the dataset containing the table from which you want to delete columns.
  • Go to the Data View: Click the "Data" view in the left-hand panel. This will list the tables and fields in your dataset.
  • Select Table: Click the name of the table from which you want to delete a column. This will display the table fields in the right hand panel.
  • Select columns to delete: Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on each column you want to delete.
  • Delete Columns: Once you have selected the columns you want to delete, right-click on one of the selected columns and select "Remove" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can press the "Delete" key on your keyboard after selecting the columns.
  • Confirm deletion: Power BI will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the selected columns. Click "Yes" to confirm and delete the columns.

Apply Changes: After deleting columns, click the "Close and Apply" button in the top ribbon to apply the changes to your dataset.

Lab Work

Remove Coloumns from table:

1:- Remove Colums:

  • Remove selected columns from table
    • select required column which you want to delete
    • Home --> Remove Columns --> Remove Columns
    • or press the "Delete" key or  
    • Right Click on column and select Remove option 

2:- Remove Other Colums:

  • Remove non selected columns from table
    • select required column which you keep columns
    • Home --> Remove Columns --> Remove Other Columns

Choose Coloumns:

1:- Choose Columns:

  • Keep or Remove columns from table
    • Home --> Choose Columns --> Choose Columns
  • Press OK button then you have

2:- Go to Column:

  • Select column that you would like to select (go to) column
    • Home --> Choose Columns --> Go to Column
  • Press OK button and then you have

I hope this comprehensive guide empowers you to effectively clean your data in Power BI.