Coffee: What are the Benefits of Coffee to People’s Health? : Advantages & Disadvantages

Coffee: What are the Benefits of Coffee to People’s Health? : Advantages & Disadvantages

Coffee: What are the Benefits of Coffee to People’s Health?

Coffee has been the subject of many studies, and has been shown to have a number of potential health benefits when consumed in moderation.

Table of Contents

1. Rich in antioxidants: 1

Here's a deeper dive into coffee's antioxidant content: 1

2.Improved mental alertness and cognitive function: 1

Here's how coffee improves brain performance: 2

3.Lower risk of certain diseases: 2

4.Heart health: 3

Benefits for heart health. 3

Precautions and potential risks. 3

Recommended intake. 4

5.Liver health: 4

Benefits for Liver Health. 4

Mechanisms behind the benefits of coffee. 5

Recommended intake. 5

Reservations. 5

6.Longevity: 5

Benefits for longevity. 5

Supporting research of (longevity) 6

Reservations. 7

Result 7

7.Weight management: 7

Benefits for weight management 7

Considerations and possible drawbacks. 8

Practical Tips for Using Coffee in Weight Management 8

8.Physical performance: 9

Benefits for physical performance. 9

How to use coffee to boost physical performance. 10

Reservations. 10

Result 10

9.Lower risk of depression: 10

Mechanisms behind the effects of coffee on depression. 11

Supporting research. 11

Reservations. 11

Result (Depression with coffee) 12

Important: 12

Benefits of hot coffee vs cold coffee. 12

Benefits of Hot Coffee. 12

Benefits of Cold Coffee (Iced Coffee and Cold Brew) 13

Considerations for both. 13

Result 14

Black coffee vs milk or creamy coffee. 14

Black coffee Advantages: 14

Considerations: 14

Coffee with milk or cream Advantages: 15

Considerations: 15

Result 15

Expert opinion (With External links) 16

What are the 10(ten) benefits of coffee?. 17

Is coffee bad for health or good?. 17

About 2-5 cups per day - linked to

Are there any negative effects of coffee?. 17

What are the disadvantages of coffee?. 17

When to drink coffee?. 17

Some key benefits:

1: Rich in antioxidants:

  • Coffee is an important source of antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.


You are absolutely right! Coffee is actually one of the most important sources of antioxidants in many people's diets.

 Here's a deeper dive into coffee's antioxidant content:

  • High concentration: Coffee contains a rich variety of antioxidants, mainly polyphenols and hydro cinnamic acid.
  • Popular sources: Studies show that coffee may also be the single largest source of antioxidants in people's diets, especially in countries where coffee consumption is high.
  • More than berries: While some fruits, like berries, are known for their antioxidants, coffee consumption can exceed the total antioxidant content of berries if you drink several cups a day, even though berries have a higher concentration per serving. can

“These antioxidants in coffee are thought to be responsible for some of its potential health benefits, such as reduced inflammation and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.”

2: Improved mental alertness and cognitive function:

  • Caffeine, the primary psychoactive substance in coffee, can improve brain function, including improved mood, reaction time, memory and general cognitive function.


  • “Yes, coffee is known for its ability to improve mental alertness and cognitive function. The main ingredient responsible for these effects is caffeine, a natural stimulant”

Here's how coffee improves brain performance:

  • Increased alertness: Caffeine blocks the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine in the mind, leading to a inspiring result. It reduces the feeling of fatigue and increases alertness.
  • Improved concentration and focus: By motivating the vital nervous system, caffeine can increase concentration and attention, creating it easier to perform tasks that require sustained attention.
  • Improved memory: Some studies show that caffeine can improve various aspects of memory, including short-term memory and the consolidation of new memories.
  • Improved reaction time: Caffeine can speed up reaction times by increasing the release of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine, which are involved in signal transmission in the brain.
  • Elevated mood: Coffee consumption is often associated with improved mood, which can indirectly improve cognitive performance. The stimulant effects of caffeine can increase the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are linked to mood regulation.
  • Reduced mental fatigue: Caffeine can help reduce mental fatigue, making it easier to perform cognitive tasks for longer periods of time.

Although moderate coffee consumption can have these positive effects on mental alertness and cognitive function, excessive consumption can lead to negative effects such as nervousness, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. It is generally recommended to consume coffee in moderation to maximize its benefits.

3: Lower risk of certain diseases:

  • Type 2 diabetes: Drinking coffee regularly reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Parkinson's disease: Studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of Parkinson's disease.
  • Alzheimer's sickness and dementia: There is some evidence that coffee may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's illness and dementia.
  • Certain cancers: Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of liver and colorectal cancer.

4: Heart health:

  • Moderate coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Yet, extreme feeding can have the conflicting effect.

Benefits for heart health

  • Lower risk of heart disease: Several studies have found that moderate coffee consumption (usually defined as 3-5 cups per day) is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Antioxidants in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid and polyphenols, may help reduce inflammation and improve blood vessel function.
  • Lower risk of stroke: Some research suggests that regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of stroke. This protective effect is believed to be due to coffee's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Better blood vessel health: Coffee contains compounds that may help improve the health and function of blood vessels, possibly reducing the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
  • Lower risk of heart failure: Some studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of heart failure, possibly due to its positive effects on heart muscle function and blood pressure regulation. From.
  • Better blood pressure: Although caffeine can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) in the long term. This may be due to coffee's ability to improve blood vessel function and reduce inflammation.


Precautions and potential risks

  • Although moderate coffee consumption can be beneficial for heart health, excessive consumption can have negative effects:
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure: High levels of caffeine can cause increased heart rate and blood pressure, which can be harmful, especially for people with pre-existing heart conditions. .
  • Heart palpitations: Some people may experience palpitations or irregular heartbeats after consuming large amounts of caffeine.
  • Individual sensitivity: People vary in their sensitivity to caffeine. People who are more sensitive may need to limit their coffee intake to avoid adverse heart effects.


Recommended intake

  • For most people, moderate coffee consumption — about 3 to 5 cups per day — is considered safe and may offer heart health benefits. However, individual tolerance levels and pre-existing health conditions must be considered.

As with any nutritional supplement, it is best to consult a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate amount of coffee for your specific health needs and conditions.

Note :

  • 1 or 2 cups of coffee is best for you per day “

5: Liver health:

  • Coffee can help protect the liver from diseases like cirrhosis and fatty liver disease.

Benefits for Liver Health

  • Lower risk of liver diseases: Regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of several liver diseases, including liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and fatty liver disease. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in coffee help protect liver cells from damage.
  • Protection against liver cancer: Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of liver cancer. The protective effect is thought to be due to coffee's ability to reduce liver inflammation and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Lower risk of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis: Coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of liver fibrosis (scarring of the liver) and cirrhosis, especially in people with chronic liver conditions such as hepatitis B and C. These terms.
  • Improvement in liver enzyme levels: An increase in liver enzymes can indicate liver damage or inflammation. Regular coffee consumption lowers the levels of liver enzymes such as ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase), which are markers of liver health.
  • Protection against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Coffee may help reduce the risk of NAFLD, a condition caused by fatty deposits in the liver. The beneficial effects are due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of coffee.

Mechanisms behind the benefits of coffee

  • Antioxidants: Coffee is rich in antioxidants like chlorogenic acid, which can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: Coffee contains compounds that can reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in many liver diseases.
  • Caffeine: Some studies suggest that caffeine itself may play a role in liver protection by reducing the accumulation of fat and collagen in the liver, which can lead to fibrosis and cirrhosis.
  • Alteration of liver enzymes: Coffee can help normalize liver enzyme levels, reducing the risk of liver damage.

Recommended intake

  • Most studies show that consuming 2-3 cups of coffee per day is associated with the greatest benefits for liver health. However, individual tolerance and health conditions should be considered when determining the appropriate amount of coffee.


  • Although coffee has many potential benefits for liver health, it must be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of coffee can lead to negative side effects such as anxiety, insomnia and digestive problems. Additionally, adding high amounts of sugar or high-fat dairy products to coffee can offset its health benefits.

“As always, it's best to consult a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have liver conditions or other health concerns”

6: Longevity:

  • Some studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death from various causes, suggesting that coffee may contribute to longevity.

Benefits for longevity

  • Lower risk of chronic diseases: Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of several chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and some types of cancer (eg, liver and colorectal cancer). By reducing the risk of these diseases, coffee can contribute to a longer and healthier life.
  • Cardiovascular health: Moderate coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Coffee's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may improve.
  • Liver health: Regular coffee consumption has been shown to protect the liver from cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). By maintaining liver health, coffee may contribute to overall longevity.
  • Antioxidant properties: Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It can reduce the risk of many age-related diseases and conditions, potentially contributing to a longer lifespan.
  • Reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases: Coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Coffee's protective effect on the brain may help preserve cognitive function and prolong life.
  • Effects of inflammation: Chronic inflammation is linked to many age-related diseases. Coffee's anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce the risk of these conditions, promoting longevity.
  • Better metabolic health: Coffee has been shown to improve various aspects of metabolic health, including better control of blood sugar levels and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Better metabolic health is associated with a lower risk of many diseases and conditions that can shorten lifespan.

Supporting research of (longevity)

  • Large Cohort Studies: Several large cohort studies have found that regular coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of death from various causes. For example, a study published in the "New England Journal of Medicine" found that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of death from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infection. Is.
  • Meta-analysis: Meta-analyses of several studies have also supported that moderate coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of death. These studies often show the greatest benefits at 3-5 cups per day.


  • Moderation: The health benefits of coffee are generally seen with moderate consumption, usually defined as 3-5 cups per day. Excessive consumption of coffee can lead to negative side effects such as anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems and increased heart rate.
  • Individual differences: People vary in their sensitivity to caffeine. People who are more sensitive may need to drink less coffee to avoid negative side effects.
  • Overall lifestyle: Although coffee can contribute to longevity, it is important to consider other lifestyle factors such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and not smoking.
  • Coffee quality: The type and quality of coffee, as well as the method of preparation, can affect its health benefits. For example, adding large amounts of sugar or high-fat dairy products can negate some of the positive effects of coffee.


  • Moderate coffee consumption is associated with a number of health benefits that may contribute to longevity. These benefits include reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved cardiovascular and liver health, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and improved metabolic health. As with any nutrient, it is important to consume coffee in moderation and consider individual health needs and sensitivities.

7: Weight management:

  • Coffee can help with weight management by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning.

Coffee may play a role in weight management through several mechanisms.

Benefits for weight management

  • Increased Metabolic Rate: Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in coffee, can increase metabolic rate. This means your body burns more calories than it does at rest. Studies show that caffeine can increase metabolic rate by 3-11%.
  • Increased fat burning: Caffeine can increase the breakdown of fat in fat cells. This process, called lipolysis, involves the release of fatty acids into the bloodstream, which the body can later use as fuel.
  • Appetite Suppression: Some research suggests that caffeine can suppress appetite, leading to less calorie intake. It can help control weight by preventing overeating.
  • Improved physical performance: Caffeine can improve physical performance by increasing adrenaline levels and releasing fatty acids from fat tissue. This can lead to better endurance and exercise performance, contributing to better weight management.
  • Thermogenesis: Caffeine stimulates thermogenesis, which is the body's process of heat production. This process burns extra calories and can help with weight loss.

Considerations and possible drawbacks

Although coffee can help with weight management, it's important to consider the following:

  • Moderation is key: Excessive coffee consumption can lead to negative side effects such as nervousness, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, which can counteract the benefits.
  • Calorie additions: Adding high-calorie ingredients like sugar, cream and flavored syrups to your coffee can offset its weight management benefits. Choose black coffee or use low-calorie supplements.
  • Individual variation: People respond differently to caffeine. Some may experience a significant metabolic boost, while others may see minimal effects.
  • Short-term effects: The body can develop a tolerance to caffeine over time, which can reduce its effectiveness in boosting metabolism and burning fat. It is often beneficial to cycle caffeine intake to maintain its effectiveness.

Practical Tips for Using Coffee in Weight Management

Drinking coffee before exercise: Drinking coffee 30 minutes before exercise can increase physical performance and fat burning.

  • Opt for black coffee: Opt for black coffee or use minimal calories to avoid unnecessary calories.
  • Stay hydrated: Caffeine is a diuretic, so make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Avoid late night coffee: Avoid drinking coffee late in the day to prevent sleep disturbances.
  • Combine with a healthy diet and exercise: Coffee can help with weight control, but it's most effective when combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

“As with any nutritional supplement, it is best to consult a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate amount of coffee for your specific health needs and goals”

8: Physical performance:

  • Caffeine excites the nervous system, signing fat cells to disruption body fat. It also increases adrenaline levels, which can increase physical performance.

Benefits for physical performance

  • Increased Adrenaline Levels: Caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline (epinephrine), the "fight or flight" hormone, which prepares the body for intense physical exertion.
  • Improved Fat Utilization: Caffeine increases the release of fatty acids from fat tissues, making them available for use as energy. It can help preserve muscle glycogen stores, potentially improving endurance.
  • Improved muscle contraction: Caffeine can increase the release of calcium ions from muscle cells, which increases muscle contraction strength and endurance.
  • Reduced perceived effort: Caffeine can reduce the perception of effort during physical activity. This means activities feel easier, which can improve performance.
  • Improved focus and concentration: The stimulant effects of caffeine can increase focus and concentration, allowing athletes to maintain better form and mental clarity during workouts and competitions.
  • Delayed Fatigue: Caffeine helps delay the onset of muscle fatigue by reducing feelings of fatigue and soreness during exercise.

How to use coffee to boost physical performance

  • Timing: For optimal performance benefits, it is recommended to drink coffee approximately 30-60 minutes before exercise. This gives caffeine time to enter the bloodstream and take effect.
  • Dose: The effective dose of caffeine to enhance performance varies, but generally ranges from 3 to 6 mg per kilogram of body weight. For example, a person weighing 70 kg (about 154 pounds) can benefit from consuming 210-420 mg of caffeine, which is about 2-5 cups of coffee.
  • Type of coffee: While any type of coffee can provide performance benefits, it's best to consume it black or with minimal added calories to avoid unnecessary calories and sugar that can affect performance. can.
  • Hydration: Make sure you stay hydrated, as caffeine is a diuretic and can increase urine production. Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.
  • Individual tolerance: People vary in their sensitivity to caffeine. Start with a low dose to gauge your tolerance and avoid possible side effects such as nervousness, anxiety, or digestive problems.


Timing and sleep: Avoid caffeine too late in the day, as it can disrupt sleep. Poor sleep can negatively impact overall physical performance and recovery.

Cycling Caffeine: The body can become tolerant to caffeine over time, reducing its effectiveness. Some athletes cycle their caffeine intake (eg, take a caffeine break) to maintain its performance-enhancing effects.

Combination with other supplements: Be careful when combining caffeine with other supplements or stimulants to avoid overstimulation and possible negative side effects.


When used properly, coffee can be a valuable tool for enhancing physical performance. By understanding the optimal timing, dosage, and personal tolerance, athletes and fitness enthusiasts can take advantage of coffee to improve their workout results and overall athletic performance.

9: Lower risk of depression:

  • Coffee is associated with a lower risk of depression and can improve mood.
  • Several studies have suggested that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of depression. Here's how coffee can potentially help reduce the risk of depression:

Mechanisms behind the effects of coffee on depression

  • Neurotransmitter Regulation: Caffeine can increase the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are involved in mood regulation. Higher levels of these neurotransmitters can improve mood and reduce the risk of depression.
  • Antioxidant properties: Coffee is rich in antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, which can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. Oxidative stress and inflammation are linked to depression, so reducing these factors may help reduce the risk of depression.
  • Effects of inflammation: Chronic inflammation is thought to play a role in the development of depression. The anti-inflammatory properties of coffee can help protect against depression by reducing inflammation in the brain and body.
  • Enhanced mental alertness: Caffeine can improve mental alertness and cognitive function, which can positively affect mood and reduce feelings of depression.
  • Physical activity: Coffee can increase physical performance and endurance, encouraging more regular physical activity. Regular exercise is a known factor in reducing the risk of depression.
  • Social interaction: Drinking coffee often involves social interactions, which can improve mood and provide emotional support, reducing the risk of depression.

Supporting research

  • Large-scale studies: Some large-scale epidemiological studies have found an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and depression. For example, a study published in the "Archives of Internal Medicine" found that women who drank 2-3 cups of coffee per day had a 15 percent lower risk of depression than those who drank less than 1 cup per week. Drink one cup or less.
  • Meta-analysis: Meta-analyses of several studies have also supported that moderate coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of depression.


  • Moderation: The beneficial effects of coffee on depression risk are generally seen with moderate consumption, typically 2-4 cups per day. Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to negative side effects, such as anxiety and sleep disturbances, which can worsen symptoms of depression.
  • Individual differences: People vary in their sensitivity to caffeine. People who are more sensitive may need to adjust their diet to avoid negative effects on mood and sleep.
  • Lifestyle factors: While coffee may be part of a strategy to reduce the risk of depression, it is important to consider other lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, sleep and social support.
  • Consult a health care provider: Individuals with or at risk for depression should consult a health care provider to develop a comprehensive approach to managing their mental health. Coffee can be a beneficial ingredient but should not be relied upon as the sole strategy.

Result (Depression with coffee)

Moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of depression because of its neurotransmitter regulation, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, mental alertness, and potential stimulation of physical and social activities. As with any dietary or lifestyle change, it is important to consider individual tolerance and consult with health care providers to determine the best approach for mental health management.


  • “Although coffee has many potential benefits, it must be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of coffee can lead to negative effects such as anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems and increased heart rate. In general, 3-4 cups per day is considered a moderate and safe amount for most people”

Benefits of hot coffee vs cold coffee

  • Both hot coffee and cold coffee (such as iced coffee or cold brew) offer similar health benefits because they contain many of the same biological compounds, primarily caffeine and antioxidants. However, there are some differences in how these beverages are prepared and consumed that can affect their health effects, flavor profiles and potential benefits.

Benefits of Hot Coffee

  • High Antioxidant Content: Hot brews often extract more antioxidants from coffee grounds than cold brews. These antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid, can help reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage.
  • Better Digestive Benefits: Drinking hot coffee speeds up digestion and can increase bile flow, which can aid digestion and support liver health.
  • Relaxation and Ritual: Hot coffee is often associated with morning rituals and relaxation. Heat can be comforting, especially in cold weather, and can enhance the overall experience and enjoyment.
  • Instant energy boost: The higher temperature used in a hot drink can extract the caffeine more effectively, providing a faster energy boost.

Benefits of Cold Coffee (Iced Coffee and Cold Brew)

  • Low acidity: Cold brew coffee, in particular, is less acidic than hot brewed coffee. It can be gentle on the stomach and teeth, making it a better option for people with acidity or sensitive stomachs.
  • Smoother flavor profile: Cold brewing often results in a smoother, less bitter flavor than hot brewing. This can make cold coffee more palatable for some people and reduce the need for additional sweeteners.
  • Hydration: Iced coffee can be very refreshing and hydrating, especially in hot weather. It provides the same benefits of coffee while also helping to cool you down.
  • Convenience and Versatility: Cold drink coffee can be made in large groups and stored in the icebox for several days. It can also be used as a base for various coffee drinks, such as iced lattes and frappes, offering versatility.

Considerations for both

  • Caffeine content: Both hot and cold coffee can contain the same amount of caffeine, but it depends on the brewing method and the ratio of coffee to water. Cold brew often has a higher coffee-to-water ratio, which can result in higher caffeine content.
  • Additives: The health benefits of both hot and cold coffee can be reduced by adding large amounts of sugar, cream or flavored syrups. Choose a healthy addition or drink it black for maximum benefits.
  • Brewing time: Hot coffee is usually faster to brew, while cold brew requires a longer steeping time (usually 12-24 hours). However, the cold mix can be prepared in advance and stored for convenience.


  • Both hot and cold coffee offer numerous health benefits, primarily due to their caffeine and antioxidant content. The choice between hot and cold coffee often comes down to personal preference, desired flavor profile, and specific health considerations. Whether you enjoy the comforting warmth of hot coffee or the refreshing coolness of an iced brew, both can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation and mindfully.

Black coffee vs milk or creamy coffee

  • Choosing between black coffee and coffee with milk or cream can affect the health benefits and nutritional profile of your coffee. Here is a judgement of the both:

Black coffee Advantages:

  • Low in calories: Black coffee is very low in calories, typically around 2 calories per 8-ounce cup. This makes it a good option for those looking to reduce calorie intake and manage weight.
  • No added sugars or fats: Drinking black coffee avoids the added sugars and fats that may come from milk, cream or flavored syrups. It helps to maintain a healthy diet and avoid excess calories.
  • High Antioxidant Levels: Black coffee retains all the antioxidants found in coffee beans, such as chlorogenic acid, which have been linked to various health benefits, including reduced inflammation and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  • Better for digestion: For those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergy, black coffee is a safe choice to avoid indigestion.
  • Metabolic benefits: Black coffee can boost metabolism and help burn fat without adding extra calories due to its caffeine content that can counteract these benefits.


  • Bitterness: Some people bargain black coffee too bitter and may wish to add milk or cream to balance the palate.
  • Acidity: Black coffee can be highly acidic, which can cause discomfort for those with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux.

Coffee with milk or cream Advantages:

  • Smoother taste: Adding milk or cream can create a smoother, less bitter taste, making coffee more palatable to many people.
  • Additional nutrients: Milk covers nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and protein. These can be beneficial, especially if you don't get enough of these nutrients from other food sources.
  • Less acidic: Milk can reduce the acidity of coffee, making it easier on the stomach and a better option for people with acidity or sensitive digestive systems.
  • Motivation: Adding milk or cream can make coffee more filling, which can help curb hunger and reduce the likelihood of snacking between meals.


  • More calories and fat: Adding milk, cream, or flavored syrup adds calories and fat to your coffee. For example, one tablespoon of cream can add about 50 calories and 5 grams of fat, while a cup of whole milk adds about 150 calories and 8 grams of fat.
  • Added sugars: Some creamers and flavored syrups contain added sugars, which can contribute to high calorie intake and negate the health benefits of coffee.
  • Lactose Intolerance: People who are lactose intolerant may experience digestive problems when adding milk or cream regularly. Lactose-free options or plant-based milks can be alternatives.


  • Black Coffee: Best for those who want to maximize health benefits, reduce calorie intake, and avoid added sugars and fats. It is ideal for those who appreciate the natural taste of coffee and can tolerate its acidity.
  • Coffee with milk or cream: Suitable for those who prefer a smoother taste, want extra nutrients from milk, or need a less acidic option. However, it is important to be careful about the type and amount of milk or cream to avoid extra calories and fat.

Ultimately, the choice depends on personal preferences, dietary goals, and any specific health considerations. Both options can be part of a healthy diet when used mindfully.


Expert opinion (With External links)


1:- Mariana Brkic (Bachelor in Nourishment · 10 years experience (Argentina))

Coffee, consumed in moderation, is a beverage that provides caffeine, a compound that acts as a stimulant and can lead to an improved sense of performance and alertness. This compound has been studied to be effective in reducing the chances of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, coffee provides antioxidants that may have a protective effect on the liver, reducing internal inflammation and preventing disease.

2:-Deidre Huysamen (Dietician - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 7 years of experience (South Africa))

  • Coffee can be beneficial to your health. Coffee beans are a great source of antioxidants that can help to protect the body from free radicals, that can cause harm to the body. Coffee can also provide you with some energy and can have a stimulant effect for exercise however, the latter is based on your genetic profile.

3:- Cassia D Muller (Bachelor in Nutrition · 2 years of experience(Brazil))

  • Yes, it provides a reduction in the perception of fatigue, exhaustion and/or pain and improves attention via increased catecholamine release. Moderate consumption can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

4:- Jennifer Katz (Bachelor’s Degree - Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services · 31 years experience (USA))

  • Coffee contains caffeine which boosts energy levels and improves mood and brain function. It may increase fat burning in your body and boost metabolic rate. Caffeine can increase available fatty acids which improve physical performance. There is a connection between drinking coffee and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

5:- Maria Mora Rodriguez Masip (RD Nutrition 15 years experience (Argentina))

Coffee has many benefits, the most important ones which have been shown in many studies are the effects of protection against diabetes type 2, strokes, Parkinson's, and liver cancer.

6:-Aparna Nemalikanti (M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics · 10 years experience (India))

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 Questions Answers

What are the 10(ten) benefits of coffee?
What are the health benefits of coffee?

  • Coffee helps you lose weight.
  • Coffee helps with depression.
  • Adequate nutritional comfort.
  • Ability to work for adequate pain relief.
  • A way to get a lot more leverage.
  • Coffee Bol 2 undercuts the competition.
  • Coffee reduces Alzheimer's heart disease.
  • Coffee manages diabetic problem.
  • Coffee reduces cholesterol
  •  Coffee increase activeness

Is coffee bad for health or good?

About 2-5 cups per day - linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancer, Parkinson's disease, and depression. It is also possible that people who drink coffee have a reduced risk of early death. 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day is the best

Are there any negative effects of coffee?

Caffeine can make medicinal situations like heart difficulties, sugar, osteoporosis and others inferior when: It makes your heart work harder and increases your blood pressure. Contributes to panic attacks.

What are the disadvantages of coffee?

Coffee containing caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, upset stomach, nausea and vomiting, increased heart and breathing rates, and other side effects. Excessive coffee consumption can also cause headaches, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears and irregular heartbeats. A cup or two is best

When to drink coffee?

When is the best time to drink coffee?

So, when is the best time to take this cup? There is no scientific indication that supports a "finest time". But a mid-to-late cup between 9:30 and 11 a.m. can help you reap the most benefits of coffee. That's when cortisol levels start to drop, and you'll get the biggest hit from caffeine's effects.


"inshort : Coffee is very good and not bad for people's Health"