Home Tab in Query Editor: Close, close & apply, apply options in home tab of query editor in Power BI: Lesson-7 P-13

Home Tab in Query Editor: Close, close & apply, apply options in home tab of query editor in Power BI: Lesson-7 P-13

Options related to closing the query editor:

  • Close and Apply (Home tab): This button, although not directly on the Home tab, is accessible from a drop-down menu within the Home tab. Clicking "Close and Apply" saves all your data changes and closes the Query Editor window.
  • Close button (X): This standard close button sits in the upper-right corner of the Query Editor window. Clicking it prompts you to confirm whether you want to apply the changes you made before closing.
  • Apply (Home tab): This option, located on the Home tab, applies your current changes without closing the Query Editor window. This allows you to persist changes to data or switch back and forth between the editor and the Power BI desktop interface.


  1. Use "Close and Apply" to save changes and exit the editor.
  2. Use the Close button (X) to exit the editor with a confirmation prompt to apply or reject changes.
  3. Use "Apply" to save the current changes and keep the editor open for further work.

Lab Work:

closing the query editor Menu

1:- Close & Apply

  • close query editor window and apply any pending changes
  • Home(Query Editor) --> Close -->Close & Apply

2:-  Apply

  • Apply any pending changes without closing query editor window
  • Home(Query Editor) --> Close -->Apply

2:-  Close

  • Close query editor window without applying(saving) any pending changes
  • Home(Query Editor) --> Close -->close

So on


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