Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall
Waterfall |  Umbrella Waterfall

Waterfall | Umbrella Waterfall

Waterfal Umbrella Waterfall

Umbrella Waterfall: A Hidden Gem in Pakistan's Poona Village

Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Poona village in Abbottabad, Pakistan is a mesmerizing natural wonder known as the Umbrella Waterfall. This enchanting waterfall, named for its resemblance to an inverted umbrella, has recently emerged as an alluring destination for both local and international travelers.

Poona Village view:

Ground View:

My personal experience:

When I went to Abraila, I reached the waterfall, this was not reality, it was a dream. It was a strange feeling. The sound of water in this silence and the water so transparent that you can see everything till the deep, the color of the sea. A feeling that can be felt cannot be denied, coined, and satisfied. Everyone was bathing under the water, we also took a bath under the waterfall. A life that will be calm. I advise you to visit Umbrella Falls at least once in your life. You will know what nature is. thanks 


Table of contents: 


Umbrella Waterfall in Pakistan


What is the Umbrella Waterfall?

Hidden in the picturesque landscape of Pakistan is a hidden gem known as the Umbrella Waterfall. This natural wonder, named for its unique umbrella-like waterfall formation, mesmerizes visitors with its beauty and mysterious allure.

Location and Accessibility:

Remote Beauty

Located in the heart of [location], Umbrella Waterfall boasts a remote and untouched environment. Accessible via Specific Details About Access Points, reaching this hidden oasis includes Travel Details.

Umbrella Waterfall is located in Poona Village, Haveliyan, Abbottabad, Pakistan. The exact coordinates of the waterfall are 34.113299° N, 73.224709° E.

Umbrella Waterfall Google Map link( for new window)

From Margla Hills:

From Motorway: 

Motorway in Pakistan:

Geological Formation:

Natural Miracle

The formation of Umbrella Falls is a wonderful combination of geological details. Waterfalls map their path through distinctive rock formations or landscapes, creating a mesmerizing landscape that admires those who see it.

Cultural Significance:

Local Myths and Legends

The Umbrella Falls formation is a spectacular collection of geologic details. Waterfalls carve their way through distinctive rock formations or landscapes, creating a mesmerizing sight that captivates visitors.

Flora and Fauna

Biodiversity at the Falls

The surrounding ecosystem flourishes with a rich diversity of flora and fauna. From specific plant species to noteworthy animal inhabitants, the area around the waterfall serves as a haven for biodiversity enthusiasts.

Tourism and Activities:

Feeling the Umbrella Waterfall

Visitors come to experience the heavenly beauty of Umbrella Waterfall. Activities such as specific activities such as hiking, photography, or picnicking allow tourists to immerse themselves in the enchanting environment of this natural wonder.

Conservation Efforts:

Protecting this Natural Treasure

Protecting the pristine beauty of Umbrella Falls is a priority for conservationists and local authorities. Initiatives such as conservation programs or sustainable practices aim to protect this natural treasure for future generations.

The Future of the Umbrella Waterfall

Sustainable Management

The future of Umbrella Falls depends on [specific measures or projects] aimed at ensuring its sustainability. Balancing tourism and conservation efforts is critical to maintaining its appeal.


Umbrella Waterfall stands as a testament to the magnificent artistry of nature. Its remote allure, cultural significance, and biodiversity create an enchanting tapestry that continues to attract visitors from all over the world.

FAQs About the Umbrella Waterfall:

  1. Is the Umbrella Waterfall easily accessible?
  2. Are there any specific legends associated with the waterfall?
  3. What are some unique flora and fauna found near the waterfall?
  4. How can visitors contribute to the conservation of the Umbrella Waterfall?
  5. What makes the Umbrella Waterfall a must-visit destination in Pakistan?

Answers to the question that may arise in your mind:

Q1:- Is the Umbrella Waterfall easily accessible?

Ans:- Access to Umbrella Waterfall in Pakistan depends on your physical abilities and the mode of transportation you choose. Here is the detailed access breakdown:

Walking: The waterfall is located at a 30 to 45-minute drive from Poona village. The trail is moderately steep and may be difficult for people with limited mobility. There are two ways to get down to the waterfall. One is for adventurers, which is steeper and uses a rope to pull back from the bottom. The other is equal and used, especially by families.

By Car: You can go to Poona village, and then proceed to the falls. The road to Pune is in good condition and can be accessed by most vehicles.

Overall, Umbrella Waterfall is not easily accessible for people with limited mobility. However, it is accessible to those willing to hike for a short period of time.

Following are some additional tips for visiting Chhatri Falls:

  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothing that you can walk in.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks.
  • Be careful on the trail, as it can be slippery in wet weather.
  • Respect the environment and leave no trace.

Q2:- Are there any specific legends associated with the waterfall?

Answer 2:

Yes, there are quite a few legends associated with Umbrella Waterfall in Pakistan. These legends are passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition and are an important part of local culture. Here are two popular myths:

Legend 1: Spirit of Water

According to this legend, Chhatri Falls is home to a water spirit known as the guardian of the falls. The water spirit is said to be a benevolent creature that protects the waterfall and the surrounding area. It is said that the water spirit can take human or animal form. Legend has it that a water spirit once saved a young boy from drowning in a waterfall. The boy was playing near the waterfall when he fell into the water. It is said that a water spirit appeared and saved the boy from the water.

Legend 2: Hidden Treasure

Another legend about Chhatri Falls is that it is home to a hidden treasure. Legend has it that a long time ago, a group of bandits hid their treasure near the waterfall. The bandit is said to have been very wealthy and his treasure was worth a lot. Legend has it that the bandits never returned to retrieve their treasure and it is still hidden near the falls. Some believe that the treasure is hidden in a cave behind the waterfall. Others believe that it is buried under the rocks near the waterfall.

The legends of Chhatri Falls add a touch of mystery and magic to this beautiful natural wonder. They are a reminder of the importance of preserving the region's rich cultural heritage and the natural beauty of Pakistan.

Q3:- What are some unique flora and fauna found near the waterfall?

Chhatri Falls is home to a variety of unique flora and fauna.


The area around the falls is characterized by its lush vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and grasses. Some of the unique plants found near the falls include:

  • Himalayan Balsam: This is a tall, herbaceous plant with pink or purple flowers. It is found in moist, shady areas.
  • Himalayan Honeysuckle: This is a climbing vine with orange-red flowers. It is found in open forests and along river banks.
  • Himalayan Orchid: This is a delicate, flowering plant with a variety of colors. It is found in moist, shady areas.
  • Himalayan Cedar: It is a tall, evergreen tree with a conical shape. It is found in higher altitudes.
  • Himalayan Oak: It is a tall, deciduous tree with rounded leaves. It is found in lower elevations.

Chhatri Falls is also home to a variety of unique animals, including:

  • Himalayan Blue Magpie: It is a medium-sized bird with bright blue coloration. It is found in forests and riverbanks.
  • Himalayan Tahr: It is a medium-sized goat-like mammal with long, curved horns. It is found in mountainous areas.
  • Himalayan Gorilla: It is a medium-sized goat-like mammal with short horns. It is found in rocky areas.
  • Himalayan musk deer: This is a small, deer-like mammal with long, canine teeth. It is found in forests and riverbanks.
  • Himalayan Monal: This is a large, pheasant-like bird with a long, crested head. It is found in higher altitudes.

The unique flora and fauna of Umbrella Falls make it a valuable biodiversity hotspot in Pakistan. Protecting the area and its wildlife is essential to maintaining the natural beauty of the area.

Q4:- How can visitors contribute to the conservation of the Umbrella Waterfall?

Answer 4:-

Of course, here are some ways visitors can contribute to the conservation of Umbrella Falls:

  • Be mindful of your impact on the environment: Leave no trace of your visit by packing up all trash and disposing of it properly. Avoid littering and vandalism.
  • Respect wildlife: Keep a safe distance from wildlife and avoid feeding or disturbing them.
  • Support local conservation efforts: Donate to organizations working to protect Umbrella Waterfall and its surroundings. Volunteer your time to help with conservation projects.
  • Educate others about the importance of conservation: Share your knowledge and experiences with others to help raise awareness about the importance of protecting Umbrella Falls and other natural areas.
  • Advocate for conservation policies: Contact your elected officials and encourage them to support policies that protect the environment.

By following these tips, visitors can help ensure that Chhatri Falls remains a beautiful and natural wonder for generations to come.

Here are some specific steps visitors can take to protect Chhatri Falls:

  • Stay on designated trails: Do not stray from designated trails, as this can damage vegetation and disturb wildlife.
  • Use designated picnic areas: Do not picnic in areas that are not designated for this purpose, as this may cause littering and disturbance of the natural environment.
  • Don't build campfires: Campfires can damage plants and increase the risk of wildfires.
  • Do not disturb wildlife: Keep a safe distance from wildlife and avoid feeding or disturbing them.
  • Report any concerns to the park rangers: If you see any damage to the environment or wildlife, report it to the park rangers so that they can take appropriate action.

By taking these simple steps, visitors can help protect Umbrella Falls and its surroundings.

Q5:- What makes the Umbrella Waterfall a must-visit destination in Pakistan?

Chhetri Falls in Pakistan is a must-see for several reasons:

  • Natural Beauty: The waterfall is an amazing natural wonder with a unique shape that resembles an inverted umbrella. The cascading water creates a mesmerizing spectacle, and the surrounding greenery adds to the serene atmosphere.
  • Accessibility: Access to the falls is relatively easy, making it an ideal destination for visitors of all ages and abilities. There is a short hiking trail that leads to the waterfall, and the trail is well maintained.
  • Serenity: The waterfall is located in a secluded area away from the hustle and bustle of city life, making it a perfect place to relax and escape the stresses of everyday life. The sound of cascading water and the cool mist create a tranquil atmosphere that is sure to soothe the soul.
  • Adventure: The waterfall is also a popular destination for adventure seekers, as there are opportunities for hiking, rock climbing and swimming. The surrounding area also offers spectacular views of the mountains, making it a perfect place to explore and enjoy the natural beauty of Pakistan.
  • Cultural Heritage: The waterfall is an important part of local culture and folklore, and many legends and stories are associated with it. Visitors can learn about the local culture and traditions by visiting the waterfall and interacting with the local people.
  • Wildlife: The falls are home to a variety of unique flora and fauna, including Himalayan blue magpies, Himalayan tahr, Himalayan goral, Himalayan musk deer and Himalayan monal. Visitors can see these animals in their natural habitat and learn about the importance of conservation.

Overall, Umbrella Waterfall is a must-visit in Pakistan for anyone who appreciates natural beauty, tranquility, adventure and cultural heritage. It is a place to relax, explore and connect with nature.

Top 11 Waterfalls in Pakistan and List of Waterfalls


I hope this helps!