Home Tab in Query Editor: "Manage" option in home tab of query editor in Power BI: Lesson-7 P-17

Home Tab in Query Editor: "Manage" option in home tab of query editor in Power BI: Lesson-7 P-17

In Power BI's Query Editor, the "Manage" option,

In Power BI's Query Editor, the "Manage" option, located in the Home tab, offers features like delete, duplicate, and reference to help users effectively manage their data queries. Here's what each of these options typically does:

Delete: This option allows users to remove the selected query from their data model. When a query is deleted, it is permanently removed from the project. Users should exercise caution when using this option, as deleting a query may affect any subsequent transformations or analyzes that depend on that data.

Duplicate: The Duplicate option enables users to create a copy of the selected query. Query replication is useful when users want to apply different transformations or analyzes to the same data set without changing the original query. It is a way to experiment with different data manipulations while maintaining the integrity of the original data.

Reference: The Reference option creates a new query that references the output of the selected query. This means that any changes made to the original query will also be reflected in the referenced query. Referencing queries is useful when users want to apply additional transformations or filters to a subset of the original data without modifying the original query logic.

These options provide users with the tools necessary to effectively organize and manage their data queries within Power BI. Whether deleting unnecessary queries, making copies for experiments, or referencing data for further analysis, management options allow users to refine and optimize their data workflows to meet their specific analytical needs.

Lab Work of "Manage" option


1:- Delete

  • Delete selected query
  • Go to Query Editor (Home-->Transform data)
  • Select Query to delete
  • Home --> Manage --> Delete

after deleting SelectCity Query)

2:- Duplicte:

  • Create Duplicte Query to identical 
  • Select Query which you want to make a copy
  • Home --> Manage --> Duplicate

3:- Reference:

  • Create Duplicte Query to Refrance ths query
  • Select Query which you want to make a copy by reference
  • Home --> Manage --> Reference
